Each of our departments has their own lovely programs. Some of them can be enjoyed by any of you freely, while some of them are designed for KALAM or our staff. Fortunately, we have it sorted out to ease everyone. Check them out and join us in the activities made for you!

Kajian Fakultas

Kajian Fakultas is a countinuous and routine kajian program designed to facilitate the general population to expand their knowledge and understanding regarding Islam and Sharia Law. This project also intends to build an Islamic atmosphere in FK-KMK and generate a self-improvement spirit among muslims.

Cerita Inspiratif tentang Muslimah (Ceria)

Ceria is our routine kajian created for women under the themes of women or muslimah. Through Ceria, we strengthen our ties as fellow muslimahs by developing our knowledge, skill, and spirit together.


KALAM Talks is an Islamic discussion forum in order to discuss the problems of the ummah, especially within the scope of muslim FK-KMK students. Through KALAM Talks, we hope to embrace all muslims in FK-KMK by creating an Islamic discussion forum for eye-opening insights.


KALAM Class is the provision of the latest soft skills material with Islamic values. The aim is to improve the soft skills of muslim students in FK-KMK -including LDF KALAM staff- and the general public.

Silaturahmi Dosen (Sildos)

Sildos is our members’ visit to the lecturers in FK-KMK to keep our existence and strengthen silaturahmi ties.

Lembaga Dakwah Talks (LeD Talks)

LeD Talks is a leadership pre-training on basic Islamic sciences and knowledge about LDF KALAM, especially related to Islamic leadership. This project aims to increase brotherhood or sisterhood, knowledge, and the spirit of going through the process.

Deen Academy

Deen Academy is a leadership training related to basic Islamic sciences and Islamic leadership accompanied by getting to know LDF KALAM further. This project was held to increase brotherhood, knowledge, and the spirit of the process.