LDF KALAM as a center for Islamic da’wah for students at FK-KMK UGM that is able to form ukhuwah and bi’ah Islamiyah, create a madani society, and form kaffah muslim intellectuals.
LDF KALAM UGM (Lembaga Dakwah Fakultas Keluarga Muslim Cendekia Medika Universitas Gadjah Mada) is a faculty-based Islamic da’wah institution that was formed to accommodate and embrace all muslim students at FK-KMK UGM called the Keluarga Muslim Cendekia Medika (KALAM). With LDF KALAM as a friend in goodness or “Sahabat dalam Kebaikan”, we hope that the whole KALAM can be helped and facilitated in striving in the way of Allah.
As a da’wah institution, LDF KALAM is dedicated to spreading goodness and benefit not only to KALAM, but also to the muslim community around it. Therefore, we also hold various activities that are open to the general public.
The world calls for and expects from us. Simplicity of life, the spirit of prayer, and charity towards all, especially towards the lowly and the poor.